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  • 中山向荣脚轮制造有限公司
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  • 手机号码:020-32784919
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SUPO致力于成为中国脚轮SUPO devotes ourself to be the caster brand of China!在这一时代,唯执着者方能强大!It is the times that only those who persevere win!SUPO品牌认为,中国脚轮首先应该是中国的,SUPO is proud of being a Chinese original brand.为此,从创业起就必须付出超乎寻常的努力!But to be the caster brand of China, we need to pay more effort from the very beginning. And we did.SUPO品牌一直致力于做中国脚轮产业的BMW,中国文化的沉淀,诠释出SUPO品牌精髓。SUPO is the combination of Chinese culture and advanced technology of the world.SUPO品牌深知:创业靠人才,守业靠人心!You need talented people to create a company, and people’s hardworking to maintain it.经过多年的市场考验,For years of marketing experience,在中国,SUPO形象店已深入到一二三类城市,在国际,SUPO形象店已开在10多个国家,SUPO have blossomed to every city in China and 10 more countries overseas.已成为优质脚轮品质的象征!SUPO has become the symbol of high quality caster.SUPO品牌以其独特的品牌文化、全新的品牌视觉形象,在中国脚轮业开始全面整合之际,拉开品牌服务延伸。Brand culture, Unique appreance and Upgraded service contribute to the brand “SUPO”.品牌理念“低碳、环保 、安全、高效”,代表着SUPO品牌多年的坚持;The 4 ideas of SUPO : Low-carbon, Environmental protective, Safe, Effective.致力于制造适合全球使用的中国脚轮,是SUPO品牌的使命。Our mission is: To manufacture the Chinese style caster that are appropriate for world-wide use!